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SKILLeD Project

Sustainable development is an overarching objective in EU, included in the founding Treaty and in the political agenda. In its Sustainable Development Strategy, the EU fixed the aims: to improve life quality through the creation of sustainable communities able to manage and use resources efficiently, to tap the ecological and social innovation potential of the economy and to ensure prosperity, environmental protection and social cohesion.


A sustainable local development able to intercept green economy sectors has a great potential to revamp the economy of territories and professionals able to design innovative territorial development plans, interfacing with technical as well as policy level actors, are strongly needed. The professional figure of the EESLD, European Expert in Sustainable Local Development that the project intends to create, replies to this demand.


The project also intends to create a transnational skills validation method to promote transparent validation tools in EU (supporting flexibility) and formalize non-formal and informal competences (acquired by more experienced persons) to be inserted in training programmes addressed to young VET.



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