24410 42363 26345   24410 71636

  • Εφαρμογή της Προσέγγισης LEADER στην Π.Ε Καρδίτσας

    Εφαρμογή της Προσέγγισης LEADER στην Π.Ε Καρδίτσας
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  • 30 χρόνια LEADER

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The purpose of the company is to contribute to the utilization, development, management, maintenance and protection of natural resources in the introduction of innovation and entrepreneurship in the production system, in the introduction and expansion of the use of renewable energy sources, in the support and development of new collective structures, in social development and generally in the development of the Prefecture of Karditsa and in other areas of Greece, upon request.

1.     The work of the company is :

1) The technical support of the Local Authorities Organizations and of the Decentralized State Administration, of the associations of Municipalities and Communities, of the development associations, of the enterprises of the Local Authorities. and other legal entities constituted by or participating in the above bodies.

2) The technical support of the cooperative organizations of the Prefecture of Karditsa as well as of the companies and other legal entities that they establish or in which they participate.

3) The technical support of small and medium-sized enterprises, their information and organization, the encouragement of operation and expansion of sustainable units, their adaptation to the new technological requirements and generally to the new data of the European Economic Area and the promotion of business, economic and generally sustainable development of local authorities’ organizations of degree A and B.

4) The technical support of Local Development Programs that are of interest to the local authorities, the encouragement of local productive initiatives and in general the support by any appropriate means of local development.

5) Undertaking from sectors of the Municipal sector research, studies, training and other programs, related to the local authorities, cooperative organization of producers and local development.

6) The coordination of the development programs of the programming bodies and the technical support in the implementation of programs, financed from both national and Community resources.

7) The design and implementation of programs with the aim to prevent and combat the social exclusion of racism, xenophobia and all forms of discrimination.

8) The design and implementation of rural development programs of the mountainous or lowland area, programs of protection and promotion of man-made and natural environment, as well as all kinds of programs that highlight the comparative advantages of the intervention area of ​​the company's shareholders.

9) The development of environmental protection activities.

10) The implementation of relevant policies in inter-municipal or in a wider geographical area.

11) The implementation of co-financed technical projects, social actions, services and supplies.

2.     In order to achieve its purpose, the company, has the right :

1) To conduct research and to prepare socio-economic and other studies either on its own initiative or after assignment by the bodies of par. 1 of this article.

2) To gather and document data of legislation, studies, publications and any kind of information material related to the local authorities, the cooperative organization and the local development.

3) To provide services and advice to any interested party and especially to the local bodies of par. 1 of this article.

4) To give an opinion on any issue included in its purpose, to the local bodies of par. 1 of this article upon their request or to other legal or natural persons if this is provided by a relevant provision of the law or a court decision.

5) To undertake the assistance through information material and any other appropriate means of the representatives of the Local Government and the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives that participate in councils or Committees of the Public sector or in other collective bodies as well as the assistance of bodies of par. 1 of this article in the elaboration of draft laws, decrees, ministerial decisions, specifications and other texts related to local government, cooperative organization and local development.

6) To undertake the assistance of bodies, subparagraph 1 of par. 1 of this article, in the elaboration of studies and the supervision of the construction of technical works, in the drafting of tender documents and contracts, in the evaluation of offers and in general in the implementation of their technical works.

7) To undertake the assistance of the bodies, subparagraph 1 of par. 1 of this article, in the elaboration of studies on the organic connection of the local productive initiatives with corresponding social and cultural initiatives and more broadly the comprehensive economic, social and cultural development of their region.

8) To prepare sectoral studies and especially for responsibilities that belong to the exclusive responsibilities of the Local Authorities Organizations.

9) To assist the establishment and operation of the businesses of the Local Authorities. and investments of the Association of Agricultural Cooperatives undertaking market research, feasibility studies with evaluation of alternative technologies, elaboration of feasibility studies by investigating the sources of investment financing, assistance in the design and supervision of construction and other installations, tenders for the selection of equipment and the organization of the administration and operation of these companies.

10) To prepare local development programs, to explore the sectors and branches in which business activity can be developed by local bodies and especially by the Local Authorities Organizations and cooperative organizations, as well as to inform through the necessary information those who are interested in developing local productive initiatives in the social sector of the economy.

11)  To undertake the organization of the bodies mentioned above, subparagraph 1 of par. 1 of this article.

12)  To undertake the investigation of the possibilities of application of informatics in the local authorities and the provision of technical assistance for the development of information systems of the bodies of subparagraph 1 of par.1 of this article.

13)  To prepare training programs on local development issues and to implement either alone or in collaboration with other bodies in order to inform and continuously train executives of the bodies, subparagraph 1 of par. 1 of this article.

14)  To publish (books, magazines and other publications) on issues related to local government, cooperative organization and local development and to use the media to inform elected officials, employees, agencies (subparagraph 1, par.1) and citizens.

15)  To undertake research, studies or other tasks, assigned to it by the company's shareholders.

16) Τo approach, inform, raise awareness, activate those at risk of social exclusion, provide counseling and psychosocial support (such as boosting self-confidence, supporting family social inclusion, facilitating access to public services, cultivating skills for group work and work etc.), to provide specialized vocational guidance, as well as further cultivation and development of any existing professional skills, inform on institutional, labor and legal issues, support entrepreneurship and especially women (help in developing a business plan for starting a business), monitor the beneficiaries both , during their training, as well as during their integration into the labor market, to intervene in the population of vulnerable groups, develop networks with companies, agencies, activate volunteers, mobilize for active participation of beneficiaries in the organization of social events, organize workshops and conferences, to collect, create and distribute printed and informative material and information, Internet, local press and media and participate in national and international networks.

17)  To exercise any form of activity that serves the purpose of the company.





Development Agency of Karditsa - AN.KA S.A.

34, Meg. Alexandrou str. (1st and 2nd floor) 

+30 24410 42363 | anka@anka.gr 

Mon-Fri: 8.00 - 16.00






Entrepreneurship support center for unemployed and disadvantaged

citizens of Karditsa's Municipality (E.S.C.U)

Municipal Market of Karditsa, store I-5

+30 24410-22800 | anka@anka.gr

Mon-Fri: 8.00 - 16.00


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