24410 42363 26345   24410 71636

  • Ready for Work Mentoring

    Το έργο αφορά πρόσκληση του Social Innovation+ Initiative, χρηματοδοτείται από το ΕΚΤ+, συντονίζεται από τον Ισπανικό φορέα Autoocupació και συμμετέχουν το Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκτυο Μικροχρηματοδοτήσεων (EMN), η ΕΥΔ «Θεσσαλία» 2021-2027 και η Barcelona Activa.
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  • ΚΥπΕΑ

    Κέντρο Υποστήριξης Επιχειρηματικότητας Ανέργων και μειονεκτούντων πολιτών Δήμου Καρδίτσας (ΚΥπΕΑ)

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  • «Καρδίτσα, η ΕΣΤΙΑ μας! 2017-2022»

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  • 30 χρόνια LEADER

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EaSI Microfinance



The EaSI is a guarantee program under the European Union Employment and Social Innovation Program (EaSI Guarantee Facility) and the European Strategic Investment Fund (EFSI), which guarantees European Investment Fund, with the aim of creating a portfolio of microfinance loans.

Through the EaSI program guarantee, microcredit providers and social enterprise investors are given the opportunity to finance specific categories of entrepreneurs, who otherwise would not have access to finance, due to the risks they pose.

 Specifically, beneficiaries of the program can be:

  • Individuals - Professionals
  • Companies - legal entities of all forms as long as they are Micro Enterprises (existing and under establishment)

The Cooperative Bank of Karditsa, which is also a shareholder of Development Agency of Karditsa, signed an agreement with the European Investment Fund (EIF) for the provision of guarantees and the financing of micro-enterprises within the framework of the EU program for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI).

More information can be found on the Bank's website and at the following address of the European Investment Fund. 


The role of AN.KA. SA.

Beneficiaries of the program have access to personalized business support services.

More specifically, our company undertakes the provision of non-financial services (Business Development Services) and the evaluation of the investment readiness of each potential beneficiary of the program through the use of specific tools.


Αναλυτικότερα οι υπηρεσίες που παρέχονται:

In more detail, the services provided:


  • Evaluation and development of a business idea
  • Defining business model goals
  • Investment plan scheduling
  • Evaluation of viability of the proposed investment
  • Providing financial advice
  • Investigation of educational needs of the beneficiary
  • Beneficiary's investment readiness assessment
  • Provide an evaluation report to the respective banking institution to process the beneficiary's application for inclusion in the EaSI guarantee program





Development Agency of Karditsa - AN.KA S.A.

34, Meg. Alexandrou str. (1st and 2nd floor) 

+30 24410 42363 | anka@anka.gr 

Mon-Fri: 8.00 - 16.00






Entrepreneurship support center for unemployed and disadvantaged

citizens of Karditsa's Municipality (E.S.C.U)

Municipal Market of Karditsa, store I-5

+30 24410-22800 | anka@anka.gr

Mon-Fri: 8.00 - 16.00


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